Name |
Dr. Sivkumar Mishra |
Designation |
Professor |
Qualification |
Ph.D, M.Tech, B.E. |
E-mail Id |
Telephone |
9437433586 |
Experience : 21 years (Teaching) & 2 years (Industry)
Electric Power Distribution System Analysis, Distributed Generation & Micro grids, Power System Optimization, Soft Computing Applications in Power System, Smart Grid, Application of IoT & Big Data Analytics in Electrical Power System
Usharani Rout, and Sivkumar Mishra, “An improved Elitist-Jaya algorithm for simultaneous network recon?guration and DG allocation in power distribution systems” Renewable Energy, 2019 (Accepted).
Kalyan Srinivas, Usharani Rout, and Sivkumar Mishra, “A monitoring based Photovoltaic installation fault detection system for power loss optimization” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 4, April-2018.
Sivkumar Mishra, Debapriya Das, Subrata Paul “A comprehensive review on power distribution network reconfiguration” Energy Systems, vol.8, no.2, pp 227-284, 2017.
Sivkumar Mishra, Debapriya Das, Subrata Paul “A simple algorithm to implement active power loss allocation schemes in radial distribution systems” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol.93, no.3, pp 123-132, 2012.
Sivkumar Mishra, Debapriya Das, Subrata Paul “Active Loss Allocation Schemes in Radial Distribution Systems” Cogeneration and Distributed Generation Journal, vol.25, no.3, pp 26-43, 2010.
Sivkumar Mishra and Debapriya Das, “Evolution of Distribution System Load Flow Methods—a Bibliographic Review” Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), vol.91, no.3,pp 42-48, 2010.
Sivkumar Mishra and Debapriya Das, “Load Flow Analysis for Unbalanced Radial Distribution Systems: A Comparison of Different Practical Methods” The ICFAI University Press Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, vol.2, no.3, pp 72-93, 2009.
Sivkumar Mishra and Debapriya Das, “A Novel Active Power Loss Allocation Scheme for Unbalanced Radial Power Distribution System” International Review of Electrical Engineering, vol.4, no.4, pp 543-550, 2008.
Sivkumar Mishra and Debapriya Das, “Distribution System Load Flow Methods: A Review” The ICFAI University Press Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, vol.1, no.2, pp 7-25, 2008.
Sivkumar Mishra and Debapriya Das, “A Simple Active Loss Allocation Algorithm for an Unbalanced Radial Distribution System” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.7, no.4, pp 63-69, 2007.
Member, IEEE Power and Energy Society
Editorial Board Member - Energy and Sustainable Development Journal