1: What does CUPGS, BPUT stand for ?Ans: Centre for UG & PG Studies is abbreviated as “CUPGS”. It is a Centre of BPUT, Odisha.
2: Is CUPGS, BPUT same as CAPGS, BPUT ?
Ans: CUPGS was earlier known as Centre for Advanced Post Graduate Studies (CAPGS) offering only M.Tech courses. With the introduction of Undergraduate (Engineering and Integrated Dual Degree) courses, the Centre is renamed as CUPGS from the academic session 2022-2023.
3: What are the courses available at CUPGS, BPUT, Odisha?
Ans: B. Tech in 05 Branches, Integrated Dual Degree (B. Tech + M. Tech) in 05 specializations and M. Tech in 10 specializations.
4: What are the eligibility criteria of enrolling for the course(s) ?
Ans: As per theAICTE / UGC Guidelines.
5: When do I need to pay admission / tuition fee ?
Ans: At the time of first reporting, and subsequently at the beginning of next odd semesters.
6: Can I get a loan for study?
Ans: Yes, you will get study loan as per eligibility led by Government of Odisha.
7: If I choose to withdraw my application from admission, will I get a total refund?
Ans:Yes, as per AICTE / UGC and Government of Odisha guidelines.
8: Can I get model / previous years question papers?
Ans: Yes, it is available in Gopabandhu Central Library for reference.
09: Can I get syllabus for the course enrolled?
Ans: Yes. It is available in the website www.bput.ac.in
10: I know Rourkela is in Odisha. So how do I get there?
Ans: Mode of transportation available by bus, by train, by road, by air.
11: Will I get hostel accommodation at the time of admission?
Ans: Yes, subject to availability of rooms at the time of admission.
12: Do my parents need to accompany me when I come for admission?
Ans:Yes, It is desirable that parents need to accompany the student coming for the admission.
13: Is the mess fee included in the hostel fees?
Ans: Mess fee is charged separately. It is not included in hostel fees.
14: Are the hostel charges included in the tuition fee?
Ans: No. It is optional.
15: I am a first-year student. Is it compulsory for me to avail hostel accommodation?
Ans: No. Day scholars are also allowed.
16: What is the procedure for B. Tech / Integrated Dual Degree (B. Tech + M. Tech) / M. Tech admissions ?
Ans: All admissions to this Centre for all courses are through OJEE, Odisha. The details are available in the OJEE, Odisha website.

1: Is there any Library Rules governed?Ans: The Gopabandhu Central Library operates on approved Library Rules and Regulations.
2: What are the library hours?
Ans: Office Hour: 10:00AM to 05:00PM of all working days of the University with a break (lunch) from 02:00PM to 03:00PM every day. Circulation & Reference Section: 09:00AM to 06:00PM on all working days except Sundays & holidays with a break (lunch) from 02:00PM to 03:00PM every day.
3: Who can get the membership of the library and how ?
Ans:Only the students of CUPGS, Faculties, Researchers & Officers, Staff of the University and as nominated can be the member of the library. As per approved rule; for enrolment each shall apply with membership form and pay a non-refundable registration fee at the time of enrolment (which includes the registration fees, cost of library card-cum-borrowers’ card and different forms i.e., membership form and rules etc. All the fee details are available in Annexure-I and in the library.
4: Which items can I go through?
Ans: Only Books (General, Text Books) are available. Reference Materials and Non-book Materials, Reports & Theses’ and loose issues of periodicals shall be available in the reference section only.
5: How can I know about the availability of a particular title?
Ans: You can search on your own in the reference/information section. Books are kept subject wise on the shelves. You may take the help of reference staff to find the book.
6: How can I borrow books and materials from the library?
Ans: You can borrow books from the circulation section by producing your Identity-cum-Library card.
7: How do I return the materials?
Ans: Documents may be presented at the Circulation Desk during the circulation hours. Always verify your account to ensure return.
8: How can I renew a book?
Ans: Books that have not been requested by another borrower can be renewed at the Circulation Desk. A document can be renewed once, upon which it needs to be returned back to the Central Library.
9: What will be the overdue system for books?
Ans: If the books are returned beyond the maximum allowable period of retention, the legitimate fine shall be charged as overdue charges as per rule.
10: Any photocopying facility available in the Gopabandhu Central Library?
Ans: Currently it is not available but shortly it will be available with due charges per exposure for members of central library. Only Central Library documents will be allowed for photocopy, within the permissible pages as per rules
11: What should I do if I lost the issued Books?
Ans: Immediately report to the Circulation In-charge, Central Library for loss with an application and replace as per the rule.
12: Where can I find answers which are not here?
Ans: Ask the PIC Library/ Assistant Librarian, Gopabandhu Central Library for any other library related answers.
13: How can I pay the Library Fine ?
Ans: You can pay library dues as detailed in library rules and collect the money receipt.
14: How can I issue a duplicate Identity-cum-Library Card?
Ans: You may apply with specific lost form available at circulation desk and follow the instructions.
While enrolment with the library, an Identity-cum-library membership card and copy of all relevant rules will be provided to know the detailed operational systems and guidelines.